All You Can Jet

Around the Country in 30 Days

Since living in New York, my “professional” life has basically been one low-paying freelance job after another. (There was a two and a half year internship thrown in there, but that’s a whole story in itself.) I’ve been without health insurance for over a year now, and I’m pretty sure I could be on some sort of government funded program for the poor. But aside from living in one of the most expensive cities in the world, somehow in the last year alone I’ve managed to spend over a week in Las Vegas (complete with champagne, jacuzzis, and limousines), five nights in San Francisco, and four in Tampa. I even spent a few weeks in Ohio over the holidays, all on my own dime and without charging a single dollar to a credit card.

In February 2010 I landed a temporary position that lasted six months. The workload had really slowed down during those last few months, so I began to prepare for the inevitable and plan my next step: back to working in retail. Or maybe I would try walking dogs? After thinking about it a bit, I figured since this was my first time ever being able to collect unemployment, why not ride it out for a few weeks and enjoy it? It seemed like the perfect opportunity to spend some time on the travel/food/culture blog I’ve been trying to create for the past few months. Then I turned on the computer to see the perfect excuse for me to take a month off work and give this new blog 100%: the jetBlue All You Can Jet pass.

This is the second year in a row jetBlue has offered their AYCJ pass. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the All You Can Jet pass is good for unlimited flights to any jetBlue location in the USA and/or Caribbean for 30 days beginning September 7th, 2010, and ending October 6th, 2010. The $499 pass lets you fly any day of the week excluding Fridays and Sundays, while the $699 pass is good for every day of the week. When I read about this deal at 3am, I mapped out all of the possible cities I could visit, got in touch with all of my friends around the country, and slept on it before impulse buying. I could only sleep three hours though, and after I got a few more things cleared up financially, I purchased the $499 pass and started planning my trip!

That was only about two weeks ago. Since then I’ve basically been a hermit in my room, building this website and finishing up other odds and ends before leaving town for 30 days. Apparently two weeks wasn’t enough, because I spent all of today running errands and packing, and even creating my own, ghetto Just Visiting business cards the old fashioned way:

This should be an amazing adventure, and an excellent way to launch this blog. I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends, meeting some new ones, and visiting some of the most amazing cities across the United States (and Jamaica)! I hope you enjoy following my journey, but more importantly I hope that you find the information along the way useful. By the way, I’m still job hunting so if you’re looking for a copywriter, blogger, or just all around awesome person, I’m your girl!

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